Embedding YouTube video

Our video embedding is based on the information https://github.com/nathancy/jekyll-embed-video. We have already configured the requirements in the code stack.

While there is support for other video streaming providers our official SportsM8 videos are hosted on YouTube. A PR Will only be accepted if you are referencing an official SportsM8 video. If you want to help us record demos and other video content please reach out via our contact details.

Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video. Note there are spaces added between the braces and percent symbols which need to be removed in your actual code:

{ % include youtube-player.html id=page.youtubeId % }

On the top of your .md file, put the YouTube video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.

youtubeId: putYourIDHere